Beard and Mustache Transplantation
Beard and Mustache Transplantation Many men who do not have the desired beard and mustache density apply many methods to change this situation. The first to try is usually cosmetic procedures, oils or cures. However, if the person has problems such as general beard loss or regional shedding, these solutions are unfortunately insufficient. Today, the most accurate method for those looking for a permanent solution is beard transplantation and mustache transplantation.
Many criteria must be met, such as natural planting, planting in accordance with the direction of hair growth, and obtaining the right density.
The most curious subjects of many men who will have an implant; Is beard transplant natural? When will the redness after transplantation go away? Or can I plant as often as I want? is happening.
If you are looking for the most ideal and permanent solution and have questions about beard and mustache transplantation , this article is for you!
First of all, you can easily choose the planting method in cases such as sparse hair structure, lack of mustache and beard due to genetic factors, or loss due to wounds and burns. Before beard or mustache transplantation, the hair transplantation center specialist analyzes the condition of your hair structure and determines the number of grafts for the area to be planted.
The number of grafts is an important point for your beard to look ideal. If you do not know whether your graft number is sufficient, you can read our related article here.
How is Beard Transplantation and Mustache Transplantation Performed?
After the determination of the number of grafts, the transplantation process proceeds just like in hair transplantation. First, the donor area is locally anesthetized and hair follicle extraction is started. Since the local anesthesia method is applied before mustache transplantation, pain or pain sensation does not occur during transplantation, do not worry about this. Grafts to be transplanted for mustache transplantation are taken one by one and kept in special solutions until planting.
The Dhi-Choi technique is mostly preferred as a mustache transplant method, but in some cases, the classical FUE method can also be applied. It is also valid for mustache transplantation and generally 400-800 roots may be sufficient for mustache transplantation.
It is normal to develop redness after sowing, and the redness in the area will decrease over time. Crusting occurs due to the channels opened during sowing. You can experience the crusting process very comfortably with the right beard care. You can speed up your healing process by following the recommended lotion and washing instructions.
How is Beard Transplantation Performed?
The pencil technique is generally used as the method of beard transplantation. Beard transplantation begins with the removal of the grafts from the donor area and is kept in special solutions so that the hair follicles do not die. For beard transplantation, on average, the request is also taken as a basis and usually between 1000-3000 roots are planted. In general, the number of grafts is sufficient for this beard transplant for the person. In cases where it is not sufficient, extra planting can be done.
The first washing of the beard and mustache transplantation area is carried out between 24-48 hours. Since the clots will disappear after the first wash, the beard look starts to look much more natural. In the early stages of beard transplantation, redness and acne-like formations may appear between the beards. Do not worry in this process, it will go away on its own in about 2 weeks.
Beards should not be shaved directly in the first period, they should be shortened and shaped after 15 days. After 1 month, the person can shave if he/she wishes. One of the most important points to be considered in beard transplantation and mustache transplantation is that the hair follicles to be planted are planted according to the direction and angle of the hair growth. Otherwise, the mustache stance will not be as desired. The number of hair follicles to be planted; It is determined according to the wishes of the person and the sparseness of the mustache. Since a much thicker beard and mustache appearance is desired by frequent planting, arrangements can be made according to requests.
Who Can Have Beard Transplantation and Mustache Transplantation?
Sparse beard or mustache can become a problem that cannot be ignored for men. Sowing process in general; It is preferred in cases where there is no regional or whole hair structure due to disease, genetics, medicine, hair loss or similar conditions. Beard transplantation or mustache transplantation can be done at the same time, or only beard or mustache transplantation can be performed.
The most important point in planting on the face area is that there should be enough hair follicles in the donor area, as in other plantings. Sometimes, people who have excess hair in areas such as cheekbones can also take hair from these areas and have a mustache transplant.
In order to obtain the desired density, density or appearance, the calculation of the number of grafts must be done very well and analyzed. Correct hair analysis is very important to obtain a natural look. Considering the maximum change in appearance in facial transplants, it should be treated very meticulously and transplanted one by one according to the direction of hair growth.
Individual expectations are essential in planting operations. Your planting process should be carried out by teams who will understand your wishes and have sufficient technological equipment. As Active Hair Aesthetic, you can see the transplants we have done before, and if you want to have a free analysis, you can contact our expert consultants by clicking the button below.